Morning light and early fall foliage from our living room window in Kingfield, Maine today. #kingfieldmaine #orcuttphotography #fallfoliage #morninglight #mainetheway #mainephotography John Orcutt September 24, 2020 Instagram You Might Also Like Wire Bridge in New Portland, ME on a enter day decked out with holiday lighting. This is one of my all-time favorite structures. Built in about 1865, it has to this day the original catenary cables and the structure of the towers is mostly unchanged. #wirebridge #newportlandmaine mainetheway #maineisbeautiful #mainehistoricphoto March 1, 2021 Spring weather in Teton Valley, Idaho. Fields and trees are bright green, and the big dramatic sky is articulated by thunder storms in different places at the same time. We appreciate the rain in Teton Valley, but combined with last winter’s snow melt there is flooding in the low areas. #tetonvalleyidahospringtimeweather #driggsidaho #thunderstormsintetinvalley #bestofthegemstate May 25, 2023 Small Red Barn in Spring Snowstorm today, Kingfield, Maine April 6, 2017
Wire Bridge in New Portland, ME on a enter day decked out with holiday lighting. This is one of my all-time favorite structures. Built in about 1865, it has to this day the original catenary cables and the structure of the towers is mostly unchanged. #wirebridge #newportlandmaine mainetheway #maineisbeautiful #mainehistoricphoto March 1, 2021
Spring weather in Teton Valley, Idaho. Fields and trees are bright green, and the big dramatic sky is articulated by thunder storms in different places at the same time. We appreciate the rain in Teton Valley, but combined with last winter’s snow melt there is flooding in the low areas. #tetonvalleyidahospringtimeweather #driggsidaho #thunderstormsintetinvalley #bestofthegemstate May 25, 2023