Fingal's Cave, Isle of Staffa, Inner Hebrides, Scotland, a large cavern with great color and sea surging in and out of the opening. Felix Mendelssohn's Hebrides Overture ('Fingal's Cave') was inspired by this place. A truly remarkable sight! John Orcutt June 25, 2017 Instagram You Might Also Like Gulf of Mexico from lunch pavilion at Seaside, Florida. Beautiful late season light on a cloudy day. #seasideflorida #orcuttphotography #30Anorthwestflorida #gulfofmexico December 8, 2019 Rural road in eastern Iowa. We are staying at a Harvest Host site, Oak Tree Homes, in Wilton, Iowa. Flat, open country with beautiful forested accents, where there are homesteads. #harvesthosts #oaktreehomes #wiltonlowa #iowaphotographs #orcuttphotography December 14, 2021 Never a dull moment in Kingfield, Maine. Photo is from the second floor of our Schoolhouse. Our neighbor, Harry, is cleaning out his chimney. His wife, Debby, is either providing encouragement or supervising, not sure which. #kingfieldmaine #chimneysweep #nevera dullmoment May 12, 2021
Gulf of Mexico from lunch pavilion at Seaside, Florida. Beautiful late season light on a cloudy day. #seasideflorida #orcuttphotography #30Anorthwestflorida #gulfofmexico December 8, 2019
Rural road in eastern Iowa. We are staying at a Harvest Host site, Oak Tree Homes, in Wilton, Iowa. Flat, open country with beautiful forested accents, where there are homesteads. #harvesthosts #oaktreehomes #wiltonlowa #iowaphotographs #orcuttphotography December 14, 2021
Never a dull moment in Kingfield, Maine. Photo is from the second floor of our Schoolhouse. Our neighbor, Harry, is cleaning out his chimney. His wife, Debby, is either providing encouragement or supervising, not sure which. #kingfieldmaine #chimneysweep #nevera dullmoment May 12, 2021