The “Floats” at Mt Desert Campground at MDI. We enjoyed a beautiful fall day, biked the Loop Road and spent some time with old friends we hadn’t seen for awhile. Like most National Parks, there are a lot of visitors here this year, but better to be in this great outdoor place than sitting at home. #mtdesertisland #acadianationalpark #mtdesertcampground #orcuttphotography #somessound

The “Floats” at Mt Desert Campground at MDI. We enjoyed a beautiful fall day, biked the Loop Road and spent some time with old friends we hadn’t seen for awhile. Like most National Parks, there are a lot of visitors here this year, but better to be in this great outdoor place than sitting at home. #mtdesertisland #acadianationalpark #mtdesertcampground #orcuttphotography #somessound

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