Grass pattern along the edge of a small estuary in Cushing, ME yesterday during a visit to AWOL Adventure Rigs. It felt like a giant cow hide rug. #cushingmaine #awoladventurerigs #orcuttphotography #mainephotography #downeastmagazine #mainetheway John Orcutt November 8, 2020 Instagram You Might Also Like East Nubble and the Horns of the Bigelow Range are reflected in Flagstaff Lake, Eustis, Maine in this artful photo by Cindy Orcutt. Spring has finally sprung in the High Peaks of Maine! #mainetheway #mainephotography #orcuttphotography #flagstafflake #eustismaine #bigelowrange #highpeaksofmaine #highwater May 23, 2019 Cindy Orcutt bear the edge, photographing Hamilton Cove on the Bold Coast of Maine. #boldcoastmaine #orcuttphotography #mainetheway #mainephotography #hamiltoncovemaine October 4, 2020 Cindy Orcutt hooks a big Brown, Dutch John, Utah April 4, 2016
East Nubble and the Horns of the Bigelow Range are reflected in Flagstaff Lake, Eustis, Maine in this artful photo by Cindy Orcutt. Spring has finally sprung in the High Peaks of Maine! #mainetheway #mainephotography #orcuttphotography #flagstafflake #eustismaine #bigelowrange #highpeaksofmaine #highwater May 23, 2019
Cindy Orcutt bear the edge, photographing Hamilton Cove on the Bold Coast of Maine. #boldcoastmaine #orcuttphotography #mainetheway #mainephotography #hamiltoncovemaine October 4, 2020