Reed Brook Falls, just north of Kingfield, Maine after the big rainfall last weekend. #reedbrookfalls #orcuttphotography #kingfieldmaine #carrabassettjack John Orcutt October 22, 2020 Instagram You Might Also Like Restored windmills at Windmill Acres in Neola, Iowa. Mike Gibbs the proprietor of this Harvest Host site, locates these abandon machines, removes them to his property, finds parts and is able to reconstruct them to working condition. Beautiful sculpture on the landscape! #restoredwindmills #windmillacres #neolaiowa #mikegibbs #orcuttphotography #iowaphotography December 27, 2020 Spectacular tulips this spring. This one is from Broadturn Farm in Scarborough, Maine. #broadturnfarm #tulipsfrommaine #springcolor #mainetulips May 12, 2021 Full moon, Teton Mountains, winter fog and a zig-zag fence compose the scene in the front of our Teton Valley, Idaho home this winter. We love the wide open landscape and expansive vistas of this fascinating valley. #tetonvalley #tetonmountainslookingeast #bestofthegemstate #wintermoon #winterfog January 2, 2021
Restored windmills at Windmill Acres in Neola, Iowa. Mike Gibbs the proprietor of this Harvest Host site, locates these abandon machines, removes them to his property, finds parts and is able to reconstruct them to working condition. Beautiful sculpture on the landscape! #restoredwindmills #windmillacres #neolaiowa #mikegibbs #orcuttphotography #iowaphotography December 27, 2020
Spectacular tulips this spring. This one is from Broadturn Farm in Scarborough, Maine. #broadturnfarm #tulipsfrommaine #springcolor #mainetulips May 12, 2021
Full moon, Teton Mountains, winter fog and a zig-zag fence compose the scene in the front of our Teton Valley, Idaho home this winter. We love the wide open landscape and expansive vistas of this fascinating valley. #tetonvalley #tetonmountainslookingeast #bestofthegemstate #wintermoon #winterfog January 2, 2021