East Nubble photographed from the Pines Market in Eustis, Maine. It’s conical shape was outlined by the dark shapes of the Bigelow Range last evening. We waited for the cloud-directed fading sunlight to separate the foreground shape from its background. #pinesmarket #eustismaine #eastnubble #bigelowrange #approachingthelongestday #orcuttphotography cynthia June 18, 2022 Uncategorized Continue Reading
East Nubble photographed from the Pines Market in Eustis, Maine. It’s conical shape was outlined by the dark shapes of the Bigelow Range last evening. We waited for the cloud-directed fading sunlight to separate the foreground shape from its background. #pinesmarket #eustismaine #eastnubble #bigelowrange #approachingthelongestday #orcuttphotography cynthia June 18, 2022 Uncategorized Continue Reading
Historic sawdust collector in New Vineyard, Maine just as you enter the village heading north. Our kids referred to it as a giant frosting dropper! A unique skyline tower marking a chapter in the history of the village. #newvineyardmaine #historicsawdustcollector #skylinetower #orcuttphotography #historicmaine #historicstructuresofmaine cynthia June 15, 2022 Uncategorized Continue Reading
Historic sawdust collector in New Vineyard, Maine just as you enter the village heading north. Our kids referred to it as a giant frosting dropper! A unique skyline tower marking a chapter in the history of the village. #newvineyardmaine #historicsawdustcollector #skylinetower #orcuttphotography #historicmaine #historicstructuresofmaine cynthia June 15, 2022 Uncategorized Continue Reading