East Nubble photographed from the Pines Market in Eustis, Maine. It’s conical shape was outlined by the dark shapes of the Bigelow Range last evening. We waited for the cloud-directed fading sunlight to separate the foreground shape from its background. #pinesmarket #eustismaine #eastnubble #bigelowrange #approachingthelongestday #orcuttphotography cynthia June 18, 2022 Uncategorized Continue Reading
Historic sawdust collector in New Vineyard, Maine just as you enter the village heading north. Our kids referred to it as a giant frosting dropper! A unique skyline tower marking a chapter in the history of the village. #newvineyardmaine #historicsawdustcollector #skylinetower #orcuttphotography #historicmaine #historicstructuresofmaine cynthia June 15, 2022 Uncategorized Continue Reading
Historic sawdust collector in New Vineyard, Maine just as you enter the village heading north. Our kids referred to it as a giant frosting dropper! A unique skyline tower marking a chapter in the history of the village. #newvineyardmaine #historicsawdustcollector #skylinetower #orcuttphotography #historicmaine #historicstructuresofmaine cynthia June 15, 2022 Uncategorized Continue Reading
Lupine season in Maine. #lupinemaine #orcuttphotography #kingfieldmaine cynthia June 13, 2022 Uncategorized Continue Reading