Returning to our home in Driggs from a trip to Idaho Falls to pick up a few building materials, we came into beautiful Teton Valley with this mellow sunset illuminating the open landscape. #teronvalleyidaho #bestofthegemstate #orcuttpgotography #iphonephotofromthecar #westernnaturephotography cynthia November 20, 2022 Uncategorized Continue Reading
The Grand Teton from Upper Teton Valley on the Idaho side. The low cloud separating the mountain from the foreground creates an ethereal quality to the scene on this crystal clear early afternoon. Who says it should only be early morning and late afternoon light? #grandteton #tetonvalleyidaho #bestofthegemstate #orcuttphotography #iphonebycindyorcutt #bestofthewest #driggsidaho cynthia November 12, 2022 Uncategorized Continue Reading
The Grand Teton from Upper Teton Valley on the Idaho side. The low cloud separating the mountain from the foreground creates an ethereal quality to the scene on this crystal clear early afternoon. Who says it should only be early morning and late afternoon light? #grandteton #tetonvalleyidaho #bestofthegemstate #orcuttphotography #iphonebycindyorcutt #bestofthewest #driggsidaho cynthia November 12, 2022 Uncategorized Continue Reading
The Grand Teton from Upper Teton Valley on the Idaho side. The low cloud separating the mountain from the foreground creates an ethereal quality to the scene on this crystal clear early afternoon. Who says it should only be early morning and late afternoon light? #grandteton #tetonvalleyidaho #bestofthegemstate #orcuttphotography #iphonebycindyorcutt #bestofthewest #driggsidaho cynthia November 12, 2022 Uncategorized Continue Reading