The skyline of Duluth, MN is marked by all sorts of roof top devices like these water towers. In recent years much of the industrial waterfront has been replaced by shops, restaurants, bars and other tourist related enterprises. We enjoyed our overnight Sprinter stay in the Lincoln Industrial Park Area. #duluthminnesota #minnesotaphotography #duluthphotography #watertanks #skylineofduluthminnesota #orcuttphotography cynthia August 9, 2023 Uncategorized Continue Reading
The skyline of Duluth, MN is marked by all sorts of roof top devices like these water towers. In recent years much of the industrial waterfront has been replaced by shops, restaurants, bars and other tourist related enterprises. We enjoyed our overnight Sprinter stay in the Lincoln Industrial Park Area. #duluthminnesota #minnesotaphotography #duluthphotography #watertanks #skylineofduluthminnesota #orcuttphotography cynthia August 9, 2023 Uncategorized Continue Reading
The skyline of Duluth, MN is marked by all sorts of roof top devices like these water towers. In recent years much of the industrial waterfront has been replaced by shops, restaurants, bars and other tourist related enterprises. We enjoyed our overnight Sprinter stay in the Lincoln Industrial Park Area. #duluthminnesota #minnesotaphotography #duluthphotography #watertanks #skylineofduluthminnesota #orcuttphotography cynthia August 9, 2023 Uncategorized Continue Reading
Clay Butte on Beartooth Pass east of the northeast portal into Yellowstone National Park. Beautiful vistas just about every direction, and when we were there a couple of weeks ago, the wildflowers were in full bloom. #beartoothpass #claybutte #westernphotography #orcuttphotography cynthia August 8, 2023 Uncategorized Continue Reading