A ring-necked, muzzle-banded urban deer, only found in the Minneapolis, MN area. #minneapolismn #orcuttphotography #antlers #unusualdeer #hewinghotel John Orcutt March 15, 2020 Instagram You Might Also Like Small yellow tree the only bright color – overcast day after heavy rain shower. Richardson Lake, Maine #mainetheway #rangeleylakes #mainephotography #mainetourism #mainelife #downeastmagazine #mainemuseumofphotographicarts January 8, 2019 Spring weather in Teton Valley, Idaho. Fields and trees are bright green, and the big dramatic sky is articulated by thunder storms in different places at the same time. We appreciate the rain in Teton Valley, but combined with last winter’s snow melt there is flooding in the low areas. #tetonvalleyidahospringtimeweather #driggsidaho #thunderstormsintetinvalley #bestofthegemstate #orcuttphotography.com May 25, 2023 Moon and Lenticular Cloud composed in the sky above Teton Valley in Driggs, Idaho a few weeks ago. Simple shapes in the vast sky here provide endless exciting opportunities for making compositions that characterize this extraordinary high-altitude place! #driggsidaho #bestofthegemstate #tetonvalleyidaho #skyphotography #orcuttphotography.com #westernsky #celestialphotography February 22, 2023
Small yellow tree the only bright color – overcast day after heavy rain shower. Richardson Lake, Maine #mainetheway #rangeleylakes #mainephotography #mainetourism #mainelife #downeastmagazine #mainemuseumofphotographicarts January 8, 2019
Spring weather in Teton Valley, Idaho. Fields and trees are bright green, and the big dramatic sky is articulated by thunder storms in different places at the same time. We appreciate the rain in Teton Valley, but combined with last winter’s snow melt there is flooding in the low areas. #tetonvalleyidahospringtimeweather #driggsidaho #thunderstormsintetinvalley #bestofthegemstate #orcuttphotography.com May 25, 2023
Moon and Lenticular Cloud composed in the sky above Teton Valley in Driggs, Idaho a few weeks ago. Simple shapes in the vast sky here provide endless exciting opportunities for making compositions that characterize this extraordinary high-altitude place! #driggsidaho #bestofthegemstate #tetonvalleyidaho #skyphotography #orcuttphotography.com #westernsky #celestialphotography February 22, 2023