The Grand Teton and neighboring peaks from Driggs, ID in Teton Valley late this afternoon. Always a little different every time we see this view! #grandtetons #driggsidaho #tetonvalleyidaho #bestofthegemstate cynthia November 6, 2024 Uncategorized You Might Also Like Tree trunks after an overnight snow storm are provided with additional definition with snow on the side facing the wind driven snow. The ethereal nature of this scene evoked a sense of solitude and completeness in the winter forest in western New York State a few years ago. #westernnewyorkstate #solitude #winterphotography March 16, 2023 Intricate snow sculptures celebrate winter in downtown Driggs, Idaho. #snowsculptures #driggsidaho #tetonvalleyidaho #bestofthegemstate #communityspirit #winterinidaho February 10, 2023 Evening reflected pink light and shore edge grasses on Flagstaff Lake in autumn. #flagstafflakemaine #westernmaine #eustismaine #reflection October 13, 2023
Tree trunks after an overnight snow storm are provided with additional definition with snow on the side facing the wind driven snow. The ethereal nature of this scene evoked a sense of solitude and completeness in the winter forest in western New York State a few years ago. #westernnewyorkstate #solitude #winterphotography March 16, 2023
Intricate snow sculptures celebrate winter in downtown Driggs, Idaho. #snowsculptures #driggsidaho #tetonvalleyidaho #bestofthegemstate #communityspirit #winterinidaho February 10, 2023
Evening reflected pink light and shore edge grasses on Flagstaff Lake in autumn. #flagstafflakemaine #westernmaine #eustismaine #reflection October 13, 2023