Ice formation at the edge of Poplar Stream in western Maine. #carrabassettvalleymaine #poplarstreammaine #winterphotography #westernmaine cynthia December 29, 2023 Uncategorized You Might Also Like Massey Ferguson tractor outlined with Christmas Lights in New Paris, OH at Today’s Harvest Farm Stand, our berth for the night as we drive west. Photo by Cindy Orcutt looks like a hand-drawn sketch #today’sharvestfarmstand #masseyfurgeson #newparisohio #orcuttphotography #ohioruralphotography December 13, 2021 Foggy morning in Kingfield, Maine. #kingfieldmaine #fogphotography #orcuttphotography #autumnleaves October 19, 2022 Silver Tip Grizzly Bear photographed by Cindy Orcutt just outside Yellowstone National Park. We watched it digging for a food source and from the mud on its nose and the contented look, it appears to have been a successful quest. #grizzlybear #yellowstonenationalpark #wyomingphotography #orcuttphotography September 13, 2022
Massey Ferguson tractor outlined with Christmas Lights in New Paris, OH at Today’s Harvest Farm Stand, our berth for the night as we drive west. Photo by Cindy Orcutt looks like a hand-drawn sketch #today’sharvestfarmstand #masseyfurgeson #newparisohio #orcuttphotography #ohioruralphotography December 13, 2021
Foggy morning in Kingfield, Maine. #kingfieldmaine #fogphotography #orcuttphotography #autumnleaves October 19, 2022
Silver Tip Grizzly Bear photographed by Cindy Orcutt just outside Yellowstone National Park. We watched it digging for a food source and from the mud on its nose and the contented look, it appears to have been a successful quest. #grizzlybear #yellowstonenationalpark #wyomingphotography #orcuttphotography September 13, 2022