Above the clouds this morning, driving over Teton Pass from Idaho to Jackson Hole. #tetonpass #jacksonhole #tetonvalleyidaho cynthia August 19, 2024 Uncategorized You Might Also Like Massey Ferguson tractor outlined with Christmas Lights in New Paris, OH at Today’s Harvest Farm Stand, our berth for the night as we drive west. Photo by Cindy Orcutt looks like a hand-drawn sketch #today’sharvestfarmstand #masseyfurgeson #newparisohio #orcuttphotography #ohioruralphotography December 13, 2021 Along the Shore February 19, 2016 Moss carpet is the rolling woodland base for much of the pathway into Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Garden on Mt.Desert Island in Maine. Direct sunlight streaks through the forest canopy, articulating the soft ground plane. #abbyaldrichrockefellergarden #mtdesertisland #downeastmaine October 4, 2023
Massey Ferguson tractor outlined with Christmas Lights in New Paris, OH at Today’s Harvest Farm Stand, our berth for the night as we drive west. Photo by Cindy Orcutt looks like a hand-drawn sketch #today’sharvestfarmstand #masseyfurgeson #newparisohio #orcuttphotography #ohioruralphotography December 13, 2021
Moss carpet is the rolling woodland base for much of the pathway into Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Garden on Mt.Desert Island in Maine. Direct sunlight streaks through the forest canopy, articulating the soft ground plane. #abbyaldrichrockefellergarden #mtdesertisland #downeastmaine October 4, 2023