Looking west from Frazer Point on Schoodic Peninsula, a less traveled part of Mt. desert Island on low sky evening. #mt. desertisland #schoodicpeninsula #frazerpoint #downeastmaune John Orcutt September 13, 2023 Instagram You Might Also Like Ice Almost Out several years ago, Flagstaff Lake, Maine #mainetheway #mainephotography #downeastmagazine #flagstafflake #carryingplacetownship #iceout April 9, 2019 Tappen Zee Bridge from Nyack, NY., a few years ago. #tappenzeebridge #orcuttphotography #hudsonriver #remembertheoldbridge November 5, 2019 Stone cairn sculpture in the Carrabassett River a few years ago. We think the artist is David Allen , but are not certain. #carrabassettriver @orcuttphotography #davidallen #stonesculpture #mainetheway #maineshighpeaks #mainephotography July 10, 2019
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Tappen Zee Bridge from Nyack, NY., a few years ago. #tappenzeebridge #orcuttphotography #hudsonriver #remembertheoldbridge November 5, 2019
Stone cairn sculpture in the Carrabassett River a few years ago. We think the artist is David Allen , but are not certain. #carrabassettriver @orcuttphotography #davidallen #stonesculpture #mainetheway #maineshighpeaks #mainephotography July 10, 2019