Looking west from Frazer Point on Schoodic Peninsula, a less traveled part of Mt. Desert Island on low sky evening. #mt. desertisland #schoodicpeninsula #frazerpoint #downeastmaine cynthia September 13, 2023 Uncategorized You Might Also Like Hannah and Will Mook’s black labs, Clyde and Rangeley, frolicking in the great snow fields across the road from our home in Driggs, Idaho. Cindy and I were hosting them last weekend while the Mooks were away, and I couldn’t resist the black dogs on clean white snow photo op! #hannahandwillmook #blacklabs #driggsidaho #tetonvalleyidaho #bestofthegemstate #orcuttphotography April 25, 2023 Granddaughter, Abby, hugging a baby goat at Winter Winds Farm in Victor, Idaho. #tetonvalleyidaho #victoridaho #winterwindsfarm #bestofthegemstate #orcuttphotography.com May 15, 2023 Rolling Fatties at dusk in Kingfield, Maine last September. A study of gable roof shapes in this small village in Western Maine. #kingfieldmaine #rollingfatties #westernmaine #villagearchitecture August 23, 2023
Hannah and Will Mook’s black labs, Clyde and Rangeley, frolicking in the great snow fields across the road from our home in Driggs, Idaho. Cindy and I were hosting them last weekend while the Mooks were away, and I couldn’t resist the black dogs on clean white snow photo op! #hannahandwillmook #blacklabs #driggsidaho #tetonvalleyidaho #bestofthegemstate #orcuttphotography April 25, 2023
Granddaughter, Abby, hugging a baby goat at Winter Winds Farm in Victor, Idaho. #tetonvalleyidaho #victoridaho #winterwindsfarm #bestofthegemstate #orcuttphotography.com May 15, 2023
Rolling Fatties at dusk in Kingfield, Maine last September. A study of gable roof shapes in this small village in Western Maine. #kingfieldmaine #rollingfatties #westernmaine #villagearchitecture August 23, 2023