Looking west from Frazer Point on Schoodic Peninsula, a less traveled part of Mt. Desert Island on low sky evening. #mt. desertisland #schoodicpeninsula #frazerpoint #downeastmaine cynthia September 13, 2023 Uncategorized You Might Also Like Clay Butte on Beartooth Pass east of the northeast portal into Yellowstone National Park. Beautiful vistas just about every direction, and when we were there a couple of weeks ago, the wildflowers were in full bloom. #beartoothpass #claybutte #westernphotography #orcuttphotography August 8, 2023 Grand Teton evening view from State Line Road between Driggs, Idaho and Alta, Wyoming. #bestofthegemstate #driggsidaho #tetonvalleyidaho #grandtetonfromthebackside December 7, 2023 Lupine season in Maine. #lupinemaine #orcuttphotography #kingfieldmaine June 13, 2022
Clay Butte on Beartooth Pass east of the northeast portal into Yellowstone National Park. Beautiful vistas just about every direction, and when we were there a couple of weeks ago, the wildflowers were in full bloom. #beartoothpass #claybutte #westernphotography #orcuttphotography August 8, 2023
Grand Teton evening view from State Line Road between Driggs, Idaho and Alta, Wyoming. #bestofthegemstate #driggsidaho #tetonvalleyidaho #grandtetonfromthebackside December 7, 2023