Rolling Fatties at dusk in Kingfield, Maine last September. A study of gable roof shapes in this small village in Western Maine. #kingfieldmaine #rollingfatties #westernmaine #villagearchitecture cynthia August 23, 2023 Uncategorized You Might Also Like East Kennebago Mountain at sunset from the causeway north of Stratton, Maine. #eastkennebagomountain #strattonmaine #flagstafflake #orcuttphotography #sunsetmaine November 24, 2021 The atmosphere here in Teton Valley has been hazy the past few days with smoke from the extensive forest fires in western Canada. Sunsets are marked by the red ball sun disappearing behind low cloud cover near the horizon. #tetonvalleyidaho #driggsidaho #bestofthegemstate #idahosunsets May 21, 2023 Farm buildings with oat field in the foreground in Door County, Wisconsin. Door County, a peninsula on the west side of Lake Michigan has a great climate and topography for farming soybeans, corn, oats and other field crops. #doorcountywisconsin #midwestfarms #orcuttphotography July 29, 2022
East Kennebago Mountain at sunset from the causeway north of Stratton, Maine. #eastkennebagomountain #strattonmaine #flagstafflake #orcuttphotography #sunsetmaine November 24, 2021
The atmosphere here in Teton Valley has been hazy the past few days with smoke from the extensive forest fires in western Canada. Sunsets are marked by the red ball sun disappearing behind low cloud cover near the horizon. #tetonvalleyidaho #driggsidaho #bestofthegemstate #idahosunsets May 21, 2023
Farm buildings with oat field in the foreground in Door County, Wisconsin. Door County, a peninsula on the west side of Lake Michigan has a great climate and topography for farming soybeans, corn, oats and other field crops. #doorcountywisconsin #midwestfarms #orcuttphotography July 29, 2022