After several rainy days, the sun appeared in the late evening. This is the view from our front door in Driggs, Idaho. #driggsidaho #tetonvalleyidaho #bestofthegemstate cynthia August 5, 2023 Uncategorized You Might Also Like Spring weather in Teton Valley, Idaho. Fields and trees are bright green, and the big dramatic sky is articulated by thunder storms in different places at the same time. We appreciate the rain in Teton Valley, but combined with last winter’s snow melt there is flooding in the low areas. #tetonvalleyidahospringtimeweather #driggsidaho #thunderstormsintetinvalley #bestofthegemstate May 24, 2023 Hay rolls and a power line tower in Hathaway, Montana articulate the agricultural landscape in eastern Montana. The man-made objects are symbols of the economy in the Northern Great Plains. #hayrolls #hathawaymontana #northerngreatplains #montanaphotography August 24, 2023 Brilliant gold foliage in Teton Valley, Idaho now with Aspen and Cottonwood trees showing their full color. A great time to be here! #tetonvalleyidaho #bestofthegemstate #driggsidaho #fallfoliageineasternidaho October 13, 2024
Spring weather in Teton Valley, Idaho. Fields and trees are bright green, and the big dramatic sky is articulated by thunder storms in different places at the same time. We appreciate the rain in Teton Valley, but combined with last winter’s snow melt there is flooding in the low areas. #tetonvalleyidahospringtimeweather #driggsidaho #thunderstormsintetinvalley #bestofthegemstate May 24, 2023
Hay rolls and a power line tower in Hathaway, Montana articulate the agricultural landscape in eastern Montana. The man-made objects are symbols of the economy in the Northern Great Plains. #hayrolls #hathawaymontana #northerngreatplains #montanaphotography August 24, 2023
Brilliant gold foliage in Teton Valley, Idaho now with Aspen and Cottonwood trees showing their full color. A great time to be here! #tetonvalleyidaho #bestofthegemstate #driggsidaho #fallfoliageineasternidaho October 13, 2024