Exciting skijoring event in Driggs, Idaho last Saturday. Fast horses and nimble skiers completed the challenging, 1,000 foot course in just over 20 seconds. #skijoring #driggsidaho #teronvalleyidaho #orcuttphotography.com #bestofthegemstate cynthia March 1, 2023 Uncategorized You Might Also Like Massey Ferguson tractor outlined with Christmas Lights in New Paris, OH at Today’s Harvest Farm Stand, our berth for the night as we drive west. Photo by Cindy Orcutt looks like a hand-drawn sketch #today’sharvestfarmstand #masseyfurgeson #newparisohio #orcuttphotography #ohioruralphotography December 13, 2021 We call this Lone Rock at Wolfes Neck in Freeport, Maine. Probably an erratic carried and deposited at the end of the last ice age, 12,000 to 13,000 years ago on the eroded bedrock. #freeportmaine #lonerock #erraticrock #wolfesneckcampground #wolfesneckstatepark September 4, 2023 An erratic, probably carried to the coast by the huge glacier that covered the coast of Maine during the last ice age. We have photographed this rock, which we call, “Lone Rock” several times in the past at Wolfes Neck in Freeport, Maine. A few days ago we tried again, when we stayed overnight at the campground at Wolfes Neck. #wolfesneckcampground #orcuttphotography #freeportmaine #coastalgeology October 8, 2022
Massey Ferguson tractor outlined with Christmas Lights in New Paris, OH at Today’s Harvest Farm Stand, our berth for the night as we drive west. Photo by Cindy Orcutt looks like a hand-drawn sketch #today’sharvestfarmstand #masseyfurgeson #newparisohio #orcuttphotography #ohioruralphotography December 13, 2021
We call this Lone Rock at Wolfes Neck in Freeport, Maine. Probably an erratic carried and deposited at the end of the last ice age, 12,000 to 13,000 years ago on the eroded bedrock. #freeportmaine #lonerock #erraticrock #wolfesneckcampground #wolfesneckstatepark September 4, 2023
An erratic, probably carried to the coast by the huge glacier that covered the coast of Maine during the last ice age. We have photographed this rock, which we call, “Lone Rock” several times in the past at Wolfes Neck in Freeport, Maine. A few days ago we tried again, when we stayed overnight at the campground at Wolfes Neck. #wolfesneckcampground #orcuttphotography #freeportmaine #coastalgeology October 8, 2022