Intricate snow sculptures celebrate winter in downtown Driggs, Idaho. #snowsculptures #driggsidaho #tetonvalleyidaho #bestofthegemstate #communityspirit #winterinidaho cynthia February 10, 2023 Uncategorized You Might Also Like We drove over Beartooth Pass from Red Lodge to Cooke City in southern Montana last week. Views in every direction were breath-taking. The summit is at 10,947 in an alpine meadow with dramatic high mountain valleys and lakes carved into it. #beartoothpassmontana #rockymountainphotography #redlodgemontana #cookecitymontana #northeastentrancetoyellowstone #atorcuttphotography July 25, 2023 Reed Brook below the falls in Kingfield, Maine. The gold reflection from the overhead foliage illuminates the small pool, providing a late afternoon glowing accent to the wooded pathway to the falls. #reedbrookfalls #reedbrookinautumn #kingfieldmaine #photoreflections October 10, 2023 We stopped in Lexington, NEB to stay at Mac’s Creek Brewery and Winery, a Harvest Host site. Beautiful vineyards and an informative walk on a mild early spring day. On our way now to experience the Sand Hill Crane migration at the Foundation in Wood River, NEB. #sandhillcranefoundation #mac’screekbreweryandwinery #centralnebraska #platteriver #lexingtonnebraska #sandhillcranes March 22, 2024
We drove over Beartooth Pass from Red Lodge to Cooke City in southern Montana last week. Views in every direction were breath-taking. The summit is at 10,947 in an alpine meadow with dramatic high mountain valleys and lakes carved into it. #beartoothpassmontana #rockymountainphotography #redlodgemontana #cookecitymontana #northeastentrancetoyellowstone #atorcuttphotography July 25, 2023
Reed Brook below the falls in Kingfield, Maine. The gold reflection from the overhead foliage illuminates the small pool, providing a late afternoon glowing accent to the wooded pathway to the falls. #reedbrookfalls #reedbrookinautumn #kingfieldmaine #photoreflections October 10, 2023
We stopped in Lexington, NEB to stay at Mac’s Creek Brewery and Winery, a Harvest Host site. Beautiful vineyards and an informative walk on a mild early spring day. On our way now to experience the Sand Hill Crane migration at the Foundation in Wood River, NEB. #sandhillcranefoundation #mac’screekbreweryandwinery #centralnebraska #platteriver #lexingtonnebraska #sandhillcranes March 22, 2024