Late afternoon sunlit wall of Teton Canyon coming back from my ski outing today. A spectacular place in almost any kind of weather! #tetoncanyonwyoming #wintersunlight #tetonvalley #bestofrhegemstate cynthia December 15, 2022 Uncategorized You Might Also Like Old Faithful with a couple of visitors enjoying the warmth. Photo from a couple of years ago after the tourist season had ended. #yellowstonenatpark #oldfaithful #bisonatoldfaithful #nationalparkphotography June 14, 2023 The atmosphere here in Teton Valley has been hazy the past few days with smoke from the extensive forest fires in western Canada. Sunsets are marked by the red ball sun disappearing behind low cloud cover near the horizon. #tetonvalleyidaho #driggsidaho #bestofthegemstate #idahosunsets May 21, 2023 Historic sawdust collector in New Vineyard, Maine just as you enter the village heading north. Our kids referred to it as a giant frosting dropper! A unique skyline tower marking a chapter in the history of the village. #newvineyardmaine #historicsawdustcollector #skylinetower #orcuttphotography #historicmaine #historicstructuresofmaine June 15, 2022
Old Faithful with a couple of visitors enjoying the warmth. Photo from a couple of years ago after the tourist season had ended. #yellowstonenatpark #oldfaithful #bisonatoldfaithful #nationalparkphotography June 14, 2023
The atmosphere here in Teton Valley has been hazy the past few days with smoke from the extensive forest fires in western Canada. Sunsets are marked by the red ball sun disappearing behind low cloud cover near the horizon. #tetonvalleyidaho #driggsidaho #bestofthegemstate #idahosunsets May 21, 2023
Historic sawdust collector in New Vineyard, Maine just as you enter the village heading north. Our kids referred to it as a giant frosting dropper! A unique skyline tower marking a chapter in the history of the village. #newvineyardmaine #historicsawdustcollector #skylinetower #orcuttphotography #historicmaine #historicstructuresofmaine June 15, 2022