Silhouetted in the fading light after sunset, the shoreline of Flagstaff Lake is banded by low clouds and their reflection in the still lake water. Autumn sunsets provide great graphics! #flagstafflakemaine #autumnsunsets #orcuttphotography cynthia October 2, 2022 Uncategorized You Might Also Like Huge fields of sunflowers in Sterling, North Dakota. We are on our way back East after 9 months away, driving the Sprinter through the Northern Great Plains. Impressive variety of agricultural enterprises! #northdakota #northdakotaphotography #sunflowerfieldsinnorthdakota #sterlingnorthdakota #northdakotafarms August 6, 2023 After several rainy days, the sun appeared in the late evening. This is the view from our front door in Driggs, Idaho. #driggsidaho #tetonvalleyidaho #bestofthegemstate August 5, 2023 The Benton County Wind Corridor in northwestern Indiana on the edge of two major electrical grids, produces 1288 Megawatts of electricity from 647 turbines across five wind farms. Wind is harvested along side corn, soybeans and wheat. Schools, healthcare and road maintenance have all benefited from the additional county income. #bentoncountywind corridor #northwesternindiana #windpower #renewablepowergeneration #windturbines November 4, 2023
Huge fields of sunflowers in Sterling, North Dakota. We are on our way back East after 9 months away, driving the Sprinter through the Northern Great Plains. Impressive variety of agricultural enterprises! #northdakota #northdakotaphotography #sunflowerfieldsinnorthdakota #sterlingnorthdakota #northdakotafarms August 6, 2023
After several rainy days, the sun appeared in the late evening. This is the view from our front door in Driggs, Idaho. #driggsidaho #tetonvalleyidaho #bestofthegemstate August 5, 2023
The Benton County Wind Corridor in northwestern Indiana on the edge of two major electrical grids, produces 1288 Megawatts of electricity from 647 turbines across five wind farms. Wind is harvested along side corn, soybeans and wheat. Schools, healthcare and road maintenance have all benefited from the additional county income. #bentoncountywind corridor #northwesternindiana #windpower #renewablepowergeneration #windturbines November 4, 2023