Silhouetted in the fading light after sunset, the shoreline of Flagstaff Lake is banded by low clouds and their reflection in the still lake water. Autumn sunsets provide great graphics! #flagstafflakemaine #autumnsunsets #orcuttphotography cynthia October 2, 2022 Uncategorized You Might Also Like Arches made of elk antlers mark the entrances of the Town Square in Jackson, Wyoming. Most of the antlers came from the National Elk Refuge just to the north of town. Begun in 1953 with one arch, the latest construction consists of 4 arches built between 2007 and 2013. #jacksonwyoming #elkantlerarches #townsquarejacksonwyoming February 29, 2024 After several rainy days, the sun appeared in the late evening. This is the view from our front door in Driggs, Idaho. #driggsidaho #tetonvalleyidaho #bestofthegemstate August 5, 2023 Intricate snow sculptures celebrate winter in downtown Driggs, Idaho. #snowsculptures #driggsidaho #tetonvalleyidaho #bestofthegemstate #communityspirit #winterinidaho February 10, 2023
Arches made of elk antlers mark the entrances of the Town Square in Jackson, Wyoming. Most of the antlers came from the National Elk Refuge just to the north of town. Begun in 1953 with one arch, the latest construction consists of 4 arches built between 2007 and 2013. #jacksonwyoming #elkantlerarches #townsquarejacksonwyoming February 29, 2024
After several rainy days, the sun appeared in the late evening. This is the view from our front door in Driggs, Idaho. #driggsidaho #tetonvalleyidaho #bestofthegemstate August 5, 2023
Intricate snow sculptures celebrate winter in downtown Driggs, Idaho. #snowsculptures #driggsidaho #tetonvalleyidaho #bestofthegemstate #communityspirit #winterinidaho February 10, 2023