Just arrived from #rolling_fatties. From the chrysalis on the molding. Three more there to hatch. #kingfieldmaine #rollingfatties #orcuttphotography cynthia September 4, 2022 Uncategorized You Might Also Like Historic Pillsbury Grain Elevator, between Felt and Ashton, Idaho. Like distant ships on the horizon, grain elevators in the American West appear in the wide-open landscape long before reaching them. Happening upon these magnificent structures, one thinks about the engineering, the transport of materials, the labor and perseverance that it must have taken to construct them. Frank Gohlke, master of the Texas landscape, expressed his feelings about these extraordinary buildings with these few sentences: “I was frustrated by the discrepancy between the ordinariness of the facts surrounding the grain elevators and the intensity of my emotional responses to the objects themselves. …. The dignity of grain elevators, the precision, intelligence and grace of their formal language, their majestic presence within the landscape all seem to confirm the faith that, given the right circumstances, we will make visible the best that is within us”. #orcuttphotography #bestofthegemstate #historicidahograinelevators #orcuttphotography.com February 15, 2022 Rural road in eastern Iowa. We are staying at a Harvest Host site, Oak Tree Homes, in Wilton, Iowa. Flat, open country with beautiful forested accents, where there are homesteads. #harvesthosts #oaktreehomes #wiltonlowa #iowaphotographs #orcuttphotography December 14, 2021 Walk along the top of the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland today. Sea pink and eroded limestone. Note the saw tooth pattern in the rock layers. #cliffsofmoher #seapink #orcuttphotography #doolinireland #burren&cliffsofmoher #UNESCOglobalgeopark #northcountyclareireland May 15, 2022
Historic Pillsbury Grain Elevator, between Felt and Ashton, Idaho. Like distant ships on the horizon, grain elevators in the American West appear in the wide-open landscape long before reaching them. Happening upon these magnificent structures, one thinks about the engineering, the transport of materials, the labor and perseverance that it must have taken to construct them. Frank Gohlke, master of the Texas landscape, expressed his feelings about these extraordinary buildings with these few sentences: “I was frustrated by the discrepancy between the ordinariness of the facts surrounding the grain elevators and the intensity of my emotional responses to the objects themselves. …. The dignity of grain elevators, the precision, intelligence and grace of their formal language, their majestic presence within the landscape all seem to confirm the faith that, given the right circumstances, we will make visible the best that is within us”. #orcuttphotography #bestofthegemstate #historicidahograinelevators #orcuttphotography.com February 15, 2022
Rural road in eastern Iowa. We are staying at a Harvest Host site, Oak Tree Homes, in Wilton, Iowa. Flat, open country with beautiful forested accents, where there are homesteads. #harvesthosts #oaktreehomes #wiltonlowa #iowaphotographs #orcuttphotography December 14, 2021
Walk along the top of the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland today. Sea pink and eroded limestone. Note the saw tooth pattern in the rock layers. #cliffsofmoher #seapink #orcuttphotography #doolinireland #burren&cliffsofmoher #UNESCOglobalgeopark #northcountyclareireland May 15, 2022