Rhubarb pies made by Cindy Orcutt in Kingfield, Maine. Essential ingredient from the neighborhood patch. #rhubarbpies #kingfieldmaine #orcuttphotography #neighborhoodrhubarbpatch cynthia June 12, 2022 Uncategorized You Might Also Like Trumpeter Swans (Cygnus Buccinator) lifting off the Teton River in Tetonia, Idaho on a spectacular winter morning. Cindy Orcutt managed to sneak up on these magnificent birds, the heaviest living bird native to North America, and photographed them just as they took flight. #trumpeterswans #Tetonia Idaho #tetonriver #orcuttphotography.com #bestofthegemstate February 26, 2023 Looking west from Frazer Point on Schoodic Peninsula, a less traveled part of Mt. Desert Island on low sky evening. #mt. desertisland #schoodicpeninsula #frazerpoint #downeastmaine September 13, 2023 Splashes of Color February 15, 2016
Trumpeter Swans (Cygnus Buccinator) lifting off the Teton River in Tetonia, Idaho on a spectacular winter morning. Cindy Orcutt managed to sneak up on these magnificent birds, the heaviest living bird native to North America, and photographed them just as they took flight. #trumpeterswans #Tetonia Idaho #tetonriver #orcuttphotography.com #bestofthegemstate February 26, 2023
Looking west from Frazer Point on Schoodic Peninsula, a less traveled part of Mt. Desert Island on low sky evening. #mt. desertisland #schoodicpeninsula #frazerpoint #downeastmaine September 13, 2023