Cottonwoods, defined by heavy frost, line the channel of the Grand Teton Canal in Driggs, Idaho. #Tetonvalleyidaho #grandtetoncanal #driggsidaho #bestofthegemstate #orcutt #cottonwoodway cynthia February 22, 2022 Uncategorized You Might Also Like Rolling Fatties at dusk in Kingfield, Maine last September. A study of gable roof shapes in this small village in Western Maine. #kingfieldmaine #rollingfatties #westernmaine #villagearchitecture August 23, 2023 Hay rolls and a power line tower in Hathaway, Montana articulate the agricultural landscape in eastern Montana. The man-made objects are symbols of the economy in the Northern Great Plains. #hayrolls #hathawaymontana #northerngreatplains #montanaphotography August 24, 2023 Silver Tip Grizzly Bear photographed by Cindy Orcutt just outside Yellowstone National Park. We watched it digging for a food source and from the mud on its nose and the contented look, it appears to have been a successful quest. #grizzlybear #yellowstonenationalpark #wyomingphotography #orcuttphotography September 13, 2022
Rolling Fatties at dusk in Kingfield, Maine last September. A study of gable roof shapes in this small village in Western Maine. #kingfieldmaine #rollingfatties #westernmaine #villagearchitecture August 23, 2023
Hay rolls and a power line tower in Hathaway, Montana articulate the agricultural landscape in eastern Montana. The man-made objects are symbols of the economy in the Northern Great Plains. #hayrolls #hathawaymontana #northerngreatplains #montanaphotography August 24, 2023
Silver Tip Grizzly Bear photographed by Cindy Orcutt just outside Yellowstone National Park. We watched it digging for a food source and from the mud on its nose and the contented look, it appears to have been a successful quest. #grizzlybear #yellowstonenationalpark #wyomingphotography #orcuttphotography September 13, 2022