View from our kitchen window in Driggs, Idaho, during the year-end holidays. Maybe Santa is using mule deer this year! #driggsidaho #bestofthegemstate #muledeer #orcuttphotography #tetonvallyidaho cynthia January 8, 2022 Uncategorized You Might Also Like Silver Tip Grizzly Bear photographed by Cindy Orcutt just outside Yellowstone National Park. We watched it digging for a food source and from the mud on its nose and the contented look, it appears to have been a successful quest. #grizzlybear #yellowstonenationalpark #wyomingphotography #orcuttphotography September 13, 2022 Wild sky to the northwest last night over Rolling Fatties backyard bar, the Sniki Bar in Kingfield, Maine. I guess the old saying, “Red at night, sailors delight. Red in the morning, sailors take warning”, does not always ring true! Lee may have had something to do with it. #kingfieldmaine #rollingfatties #snikibar #tropicalstormweather #mainesunset September 16, 2023 View into the distillery at Willie’s Whiskey in Ennis, Montana. #willie’swhiskey #ennismontana #montana #montanaphotography August 6, 2023
Silver Tip Grizzly Bear photographed by Cindy Orcutt just outside Yellowstone National Park. We watched it digging for a food source and from the mud on its nose and the contented look, it appears to have been a successful quest. #grizzlybear #yellowstonenationalpark #wyomingphotography #orcuttphotography September 13, 2022
Wild sky to the northwest last night over Rolling Fatties backyard bar, the Sniki Bar in Kingfield, Maine. I guess the old saying, “Red at night, sailors delight. Red in the morning, sailors take warning”, does not always ring true! Lee may have had something to do with it. #kingfieldmaine #rollingfatties #snikibar #tropicalstormweather #mainesunset September 16, 2023
View into the distillery at Willie’s Whiskey in Ennis, Montana. #willie’swhiskey #ennismontana #montana #montanaphotography August 6, 2023