East Kennebago Mountain at sunset from the causeway north of Stratton, Maine. #eastkennebagomountain #strattonmaine #flagstafflake #orcuttphotography #sunsetmaine cynthia November 24, 2021 Uncategorized You Might Also Like Rolling Fatties at dusk in Kingfield, Maine last September. A study of gable roof shapes in this small village in Western Maine. #kingfieldmaine #rollingfatties #westernmaine #villagearchitecture August 23, 2023 East Nubble at sun down from the Pines Market in Eustis, Maine. #eastnubble #bigelowrange #pinesmarket #eustismaine #orcuttphotography #fallohotographyinmaine October 25, 2021 Reed Brook below the falls in Kingfield, Maine. The gold reflection from the overhead foliage illuminates the small pool, providing a late afternoon glowing accent to the wooded pathway to the falls. #reedbrookfalls #reedbrookinautumn #kingfieldmaine #photoreflections October 10, 2023
Rolling Fatties at dusk in Kingfield, Maine last September. A study of gable roof shapes in this small village in Western Maine. #kingfieldmaine #rollingfatties #westernmaine #villagearchitecture August 23, 2023
East Nubble at sun down from the Pines Market in Eustis, Maine. #eastnubble #bigelowrange #pinesmarket #eustismaine #orcuttphotography #fallohotographyinmaine October 25, 2021
Reed Brook below the falls in Kingfield, Maine. The gold reflection from the overhead foliage illuminates the small pool, providing a late afternoon glowing accent to the wooded pathway to the falls. #reedbrookfalls #reedbrookinautumn #kingfieldmaine #photoreflections October 10, 2023