Cindy Orcutt cleaning off solar panels as we prepare for the trip back to Maine from eastern Idaho. We are leaving tomorrow morning after a grand stay of three and a half months in Teton Valley with side trips to extraordinary places here in the mountain west! Expect to be home by mid-April. #tetonvalleyidaho #vanlife #revelsprintervan #victoridaho #tripbacktomaine #opwagon #bestofthegemstate

Cindy Orcutt cleaning off solar panels as we prepare for the trip back to Maine from eastern Idaho. We are leaving tomorrow morning after a grand stay of three and a half months in Teton Valley with side trips to extraordinary places here in the mountain west! Expect to be home by mid-April. #tetonvalleyidaho #vanlife #revelsprintervan #victoridaho #tripbacktomaine #opwagon #bestofthegemstate

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