Harvesting the Christmas Tree in Henderson Canyon near Victor, Idaho. #christmastree #victoridaho #orcuttphotography #hendersoncanyon #idahophotography John Orcutt December 25, 2020 Instagram You Might Also Like Like a topographic map laid over the landscape, the charred tree trunks from the 2018 Roosevelt Forest Fire in the upper Hoback River area in Wyoming articulate hillside layers above the valley floor. The wildfire burned over 60,000 acres in the Bridger-Teton National Forest and surrounding territory. #orcuttphotography.com #rooseveltforestfire #upperhobackvalley #wyomingtopography #sprintervantookusthere #vanlife #gnarwagon #winnebagorevelvan May 12, 2021 A bare pine, part of a wind break hedgerow, provides scale in the brilliant blueberry fields near Cherryfield, Maine. Other- worldly color in the natural environment! #blueberryphotography #mainetheway #orcuttphotography #mainephotography #hasselbladphotography #mainecolor October 25, 2020 East Kennebago Mountain at sunset from the causeway north of Stratton, Maine. #eastkennebagomountain #strattonmaine #flagstafflake #orcuttphotography #sunsetmaine November 25, 2021
Like a topographic map laid over the landscape, the charred tree trunks from the 2018 Roosevelt Forest Fire in the upper Hoback River area in Wyoming articulate hillside layers above the valley floor. The wildfire burned over 60,000 acres in the Bridger-Teton National Forest and surrounding territory. #orcuttphotography.com #rooseveltforestfire #upperhobackvalley #wyomingtopography #sprintervantookusthere #vanlife #gnarwagon #winnebagorevelvan May 12, 2021
A bare pine, part of a wind break hedgerow, provides scale in the brilliant blueberry fields near Cherryfield, Maine. Other- worldly color in the natural environment! #blueberryphotography #mainetheway #orcuttphotography #mainephotography #hasselbladphotography #mainecolor October 25, 2020
East Kennebago Mountain at sunset from the causeway north of Stratton, Maine. #eastkennebagomountain #strattonmaine #flagstafflake #orcuttphotography #sunsetmaine November 25, 2021