New triptych on Living Room wall adds festive color during winter days. #orcuttphotography #pineinueberryfield #mainephoto #mainerheway #naturephotography John Orcutt December 10, 2020 Instagram You Might Also Like Spring weather in Teton Valley, Idaho. Fields and trees are bright green, and the big dramatic sky is articulated by thunder storms in different places at the same time. We appreciate the rain in Teton Valley, but combined with last winter’s snow melt there is flooding in the low areas. #tetonvalleyidahospringtimeweather #driggsidaho #thunderstormsintetinvalley #bestofthegemstate May 25, 2023 Three Dog Afternoon – photo by Cynthia Orcutt #caninephoto #kingfieldmaine #barkingdogs #mainetheway March 20, 2019 River of Pumpkins, New Sharon, Maine #pumpkins #orcuttphotography #mainetheway #downeastmagazine #mainetourism #mainephotography #maineoutdoors #exploremaine September 27, 2019
Spring weather in Teton Valley, Idaho. Fields and trees are bright green, and the big dramatic sky is articulated by thunder storms in different places at the same time. We appreciate the rain in Teton Valley, but combined with last winter’s snow melt there is flooding in the low areas. #tetonvalleyidahospringtimeweather #driggsidaho #thunderstormsintetinvalley #bestofthegemstate May 25, 2023
Three Dog Afternoon – photo by Cynthia Orcutt #caninephoto #kingfieldmaine #barkingdogs #mainetheway March 20, 2019
River of Pumpkins, New Sharon, Maine #pumpkins #orcuttphotography #mainetheway #downeastmagazine #mainetourism #mainephotography #maineoutdoors #exploremaine September 27, 2019