Pipe rail, old pilings and shadows, arresting patterns on Portland, Maine waterfront. #mainetheway #downeastmagazine #portlandmainewaterfront #orcuttphotography #mainephotography John Orcutt November 26, 2019 Instagram You Might Also Like Easter Art, Zurich, Switzerland two years ago. #easterart #zurichswitzerland April 23, 2019 Hay rolls and a power line tower in Hathaway, Montana articulate the agricultural landscape in eastern Montana. The man-made objects are symbols of the economy in the Northern Great Plains. #hayrolls #hathawaymontana #northerngreatplains #montanaphotography August 24, 2023 The first barn quilt has been installed on Kennedy’s barn in Kingfield Maine. The High Peaks Creative Council’s project, led by Saskia Reinholt, establishing a community-based Barn Quilt Trail, features 25 quilt murals to be hung on barns throughout the High Peaks Region. Quilt patterns were painted by over 600 children in North Franklin County. The barn quilt project was made possible through grants and support from the Maine Community Foundation, The Betterment Fund, Sugarloaf Charitable Trust, Skowhegan Charitable Foundation, Franklin County TIF, Jordan Lumber and many local volunteers. Congratulations, Saskia and all participants – wonderful project! #mainetheway #barnquiltproject #over600children #franklincountymaine #kennedybarn #orcuttphotography #mainephotography #downeastmagazine June 7, 2019
Hay rolls and a power line tower in Hathaway, Montana articulate the agricultural landscape in eastern Montana. The man-made objects are symbols of the economy in the Northern Great Plains. #hayrolls #hathawaymontana #northerngreatplains #montanaphotography August 24, 2023
The first barn quilt has been installed on Kennedy’s barn in Kingfield Maine. The High Peaks Creative Council’s project, led by Saskia Reinholt, establishing a community-based Barn Quilt Trail, features 25 quilt murals to be hung on barns throughout the High Peaks Region. Quilt patterns were painted by over 600 children in North Franklin County. The barn quilt project was made possible through grants and support from the Maine Community Foundation, The Betterment Fund, Sugarloaf Charitable Trust, Skowhegan Charitable Foundation, Franklin County TIF, Jordan Lumber and many local volunteers. Congratulations, Saskia and all participants – wonderful project! #mainetheway #barnquiltproject #over600children #franklincountymaine #kennedybarn #orcuttphotography #mainephotography #downeastmagazine June 7, 2019