Inn on winter’s Hill, Kingfield, Maine on the first snowstorm of this season. Enjoyable place to spend a wintery evening! #innonwintershill #kingfieldmaine #winterweather #snowstorm #mainetheway #orcuttphotography #mainephotography #mainetourism John Orcutt November 13, 2019 Instagram You Might Also Like Downtown Kingfield, Maine from across the river on this foggy morning. June 30, 2018 Harvesting the Christmas Tree in Henderson Canyon near Victor, Idaho. #christmastree #victoridaho #orcuttphotography #hendersoncanyon #idahophotography December 25, 2020 The windmills at Windmill Acres, lit for the holidays. This place offers free parking to RV’s as a member of Harvest Hosts. The proprietor, Mike Gibbs, has restored four antique windmills and has three more in his shop in various stages of repair photo by Cindy Orcutt.. #windmillacres #mikegibbs #harvesthosts #orcuttphotography #vanlife December 16, 2020
Harvesting the Christmas Tree in Henderson Canyon near Victor, Idaho. #christmastree #victoridaho #orcuttphotography #hendersoncanyon #idahophotography December 25, 2020
The windmills at Windmill Acres, lit for the holidays. This place offers free parking to RV’s as a member of Harvest Hosts. The proprietor, Mike Gibbs, has restored four antique windmills and has three more in his shop in various stages of repair photo by Cindy Orcutt.. #windmillacres #mikegibbs #harvesthosts #orcuttphotography #vanlife December 16, 2020