East Nubble and the Horns of the Bigelow Range are reflected in Flagstaff Lake, Eustis, Maine in this artful photo by Cindy Orcutt. Spring has finally sprung in the High Peaks of Maine! #mainetheway #mainephotography #orcuttphotography #flagstafflake #eustismaine #bigelowrange #highpeaksofmaine #highwater

East Nubble and the Horns of the Bigelow Range are reflected in Flagstaff Lake, Eustis, Maine in this artful photo by Cindy Orcutt. Spring has finally sprung in the High Peaks of Maine! #mainetheway #mainephotography #orcuttphotography #flagstafflake #eustismaine #bigelowrange #highpeaksofmaine #highwater

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