Ice Gaps – Carrabassett River, Western Maine #mainetheway #mainephotography #carrabassettvalleymaine #riverice #themainepick John Orcutt April 13, 2019 Instagram You Might Also Like Late afternoon shadows in Great Sand Dunes National Park. The person in the center of the frame provides a sense of scale to this powerful landscape. #greatsanddunesnationalpark #sprintervantookusthere #sanddunes #southerncolorado #nationalparksystem #lightandshadows May 12, 2021 Snowstorm in Cincinnati – Carew Tower at the Netherlands Hotel. Exciting urban lighting for the holidays capture by Cindy Orcutt. #cincinnatiohio #urbanholidaylighting #orcuttphotographycarewtower #netherlandshotel December 17, 2019 Bridges and apartment buildings between Cincinnati and Covington, KY. April 30, 2015
Late afternoon shadows in Great Sand Dunes National Park. The person in the center of the frame provides a sense of scale to this powerful landscape. #greatsanddunesnationalpark #sprintervantookusthere #sanddunes #southerncolorado #nationalparksystem #lightandshadows May 12, 2021
Snowstorm in Cincinnati – Carew Tower at the Netherlands Hotel. Exciting urban lighting for the holidays capture by Cindy Orcutt. #cincinnatiohio #urbanholidaylighting #orcuttphotographycarewtower #netherlandshotel December 17, 2019