Ice Almost Out several years ago, Flagstaff Lake, Maine #mainetheway #mainephotography #downeastmagazine #flagstafflake #carryingplacetownship #iceout John Orcutt April 9, 2019 Instagram You Might Also Like Hay rolls and a power line tower in Hathaway, Montana articulate the agricultural landscape in eastern Montana. The man-made objects are symbols of the economy in the Northern Great Plains. #hayrolls #hathawaymontana #northerngreatplains #montanaphotography August 24, 2023 Intricate snow sculptures celebrate winter in downtown Driggs, Idaho. #snowsculptures #driggsidaho #tetonvalleyidaho #bestofthegemstate #communityspirit #winterinidaho February 10, 2023 We drove over Beartooth Pass from Red Lodge to Cooke City in southern Montana last week. Views in every direction were breath-taking. The summit is at 10,947 in an alpine meadow with dramatic high mountain valleys and lakes carved into it. #beartoothpassmontana #rockymountainphotography #redlodgemontana #cookecitymontana #northeastentrancetoyellowstone #atorcuttphotography July 25, 2023
Hay rolls and a power line tower in Hathaway, Montana articulate the agricultural landscape in eastern Montana. The man-made objects are symbols of the economy in the Northern Great Plains. #hayrolls #hathawaymontana #northerngreatplains #montanaphotography August 24, 2023
Intricate snow sculptures celebrate winter in downtown Driggs, Idaho. #snowsculptures #driggsidaho #tetonvalleyidaho #bestofthegemstate #communityspirit #winterinidaho February 10, 2023
We drove over Beartooth Pass from Red Lodge to Cooke City in southern Montana last week. Views in every direction were breath-taking. The summit is at 10,947 in an alpine meadow with dramatic high mountain valleys and lakes carved into it. #beartoothpassmontana #rockymountainphotography #redlodgemontana #cookecitymontana #northeastentrancetoyellowstone #atorcuttphotography July 25, 2023