Huge cruise ship in Portland Harbor – about as long as a skyscraper on its side. #portlandmaine #mainetheway #mainephotography #mainetourism John Orcutt January 8, 2019 Instagram You Might Also Like Cindy Orcutt preparing to climb the dunes at Sand Dune National Park in southern Colorado. Hiking there is fairly strenuous due to steep pitches and soft sand. Each step forward is accompanied with a half step sliding backward. #greatsanddunesnatuonalpark #hikingthedunes #revelvantookusthere April 13, 2021 Sunsets in Teton Valley, Idaho are extraordinary! This one with bands of color was a great background for the silhouetted trees. #tetonvallyidaho #driggsidaho #bestofthegemstate #orcuttphotography #sunsettetonvalley January 27, 2022 When we visited the Cobbscook Bay Region about this time last year, we stopped to ask directions from a woman, who was tending her garden. She headed us in the right direction, and as we were leaving, she handed me a cup full of nasturtium seeds she had harvested. We planted them in the hanging baskets on our Schoolhouse porch this spring. Putting it mildly, they have flourished beyond all expectations! #kingfieldmaine #robustnasturtiums #orcuttphotography #summerinmaine #hangingbaskets October 21, 2021
Cindy Orcutt preparing to climb the dunes at Sand Dune National Park in southern Colorado. Hiking there is fairly strenuous due to steep pitches and soft sand. Each step forward is accompanied with a half step sliding backward. #greatsanddunesnatuonalpark #hikingthedunes #revelvantookusthere April 13, 2021
Sunsets in Teton Valley, Idaho are extraordinary! This one with bands of color was a great background for the silhouetted trees. #tetonvallyidaho #driggsidaho #bestofthegemstate #orcuttphotography #sunsettetonvalley January 27, 2022
When we visited the Cobbscook Bay Region about this time last year, we stopped to ask directions from a woman, who was tending her garden. She headed us in the right direction, and as we were leaving, she handed me a cup full of nasturtium seeds she had harvested. We planted them in the hanging baskets on our Schoolhouse porch this spring. Putting it mildly, they have flourished beyond all expectations! #kingfieldmaine #robustnasturtiums #orcuttphotography #summerinmaine #hangingbaskets October 21, 2021