Dead River Huck Fest at Grand Falls – Below the Boof a few years ago. #mainetheway #mainelife #mainephotography #mainephotographer John Orcutt June 8, 2018 Instagram You Might Also Like Silver Tip Grizzly Bear photographed by Cindy Orcutt just outside Yellowstone National Park. We watched it digging for a food source and from the mud on its nose and the contented look, it appears to have been a successful quest. #grizzlybear #yellowstonenationalpark #wyomingphotography #orcuttphotography September 13, 2022 Ice Almost Out several years ago, Flagstaff Lake, Maine #mainetheway #mainephotography #downeastmagazine #flagstafflake #carryingplacetownship #iceout April 9, 2019 The windmills at Windmill Acres, lit for the holidays. This place offers free parking to RV’s as a member of Harvest Hosts. The proprietor, Mike Gibbs, has restored four antique windmills and has three more in his shop in various stages of repair photo by Cindy Orcutt.. #windmillacres #mikegibbs #harvesthosts #orcuttphotography #vanlife December 16, 2020
Silver Tip Grizzly Bear photographed by Cindy Orcutt just outside Yellowstone National Park. We watched it digging for a food source and from the mud on its nose and the contented look, it appears to have been a successful quest. #grizzlybear #yellowstonenationalpark #wyomingphotography #orcuttphotography September 13, 2022
Ice Almost Out several years ago, Flagstaff Lake, Maine #mainetheway #mainephotography #downeastmagazine #flagstafflake #carryingplacetownship #iceout April 9, 2019
The windmills at Windmill Acres, lit for the holidays. This place offers free parking to RV’s as a member of Harvest Hosts. The proprietor, Mike Gibbs, has restored four antique windmills and has three more in his shop in various stages of repair photo by Cindy Orcutt.. #windmillacres #mikegibbs #harvesthosts #orcuttphotography #vanlife December 16, 2020