Portal to the Wire Bridge, New Portland, ME. Built in 1865. #mainetgeway #mainephotography #mainelife #mainephotographer #maineoutdoors #mainetourism #mainetheway John Orcutt June 1, 2018 Instagram You Might Also Like Willow Line Hedge Row, Victor, Idaho. #victoridaho #willowhedgerow #orcuttphotography #sunnymorning western photography January 8, 2020 Frost on small branches on the trail up Game Creek south of Jackson Hole today. December 23, 2016 With ski season just about finished here in eastern Idaho we have started cycling season. Today we enjoyed a spectacular ride through Teton National Park. The Park Service clears the roads in early April, but no auto traffic is permitted until May 1, so a unique cycling month is possible. There were hundreds of people riding every type of bicycle on the park roads. #tetonnationalpark ##orcuttphotography.com #cyclinginnationalparks #bestofthegemstate April 4, 2022
Willow Line Hedge Row, Victor, Idaho. #victoridaho #willowhedgerow #orcuttphotography #sunnymorning western photography January 8, 2020
With ski season just about finished here in eastern Idaho we have started cycling season. Today we enjoyed a spectacular ride through Teton National Park. The Park Service clears the roads in early April, but no auto traffic is permitted until May 1, so a unique cycling month is possible. There were hundreds of people riding every type of bicycle on the park roads. #tetonnationalpark ##orcuttphotography.com #cyclinginnationalparks #bestofthegemstate April 4, 2022