The Channels Nature Preserve in Southwestern Virginia. Rock caverns at the top of the hike. Seven miles round trip. John Orcutt November 21, 2017 Instagram You Might Also Like Wall Art in South Market area of Detroit, MI. Artists continue to play a leading role in renaissance of the downtown. October 9, 2017 Old Faithful with a couple of visitors enjoying the warmth. Photo from a couple of years ago after the tourist season had ended. #yellowstonenatpark #oldfaithful #bisonatoldfaithful #nationalparkphotography June 14, 2023 A bit of serendipity today, when I was exploring a mill ruin in Phillips, Maine. Two horses were perfectly lined up in the large opening at the end of the roofless space. Like a di Chirico painting, the scene within the scene creates some tension. Is it illusion or reality? April 16, 2017
Wall Art in South Market area of Detroit, MI. Artists continue to play a leading role in renaissance of the downtown. October 9, 2017
Old Faithful with a couple of visitors enjoying the warmth. Photo from a couple of years ago after the tourist season had ended. #yellowstonenatpark #oldfaithful #bisonatoldfaithful #nationalparkphotography June 14, 2023
A bit of serendipity today, when I was exploring a mill ruin in Phillips, Maine. Two horses were perfectly lined up in the large opening at the end of the roofless space. Like a di Chirico painting, the scene within the scene creates some tension. Is it illusion or reality? April 16, 2017