Wall Art in South Market area of Detroit, MI. Artists continue to play a leading role in renaissance of the downtown. John Orcutt October 9, 2017 Instagram You Might Also Like Sled Dogs #mainetheway #mainelife #downeastmagazine #mainemuseumofphotographicarts #mainephotography # January 8, 2019 Porch chairs at Bald Mountain Camps on Mooselookmeguntic Lake in the Rangeley Lakes chain, Maine. Photo by Cynthia Orcutt #mooselookmegunticlake #rangeleylakes #orcuttphotography #mainethewat #mainephotography #downeastmagazine #redporchchairs June 13, 2019 Cindy Orcutt preparing to climb the dunes at Sand Dune National Park in southern Colorado. Hiking there is fairly strenuous due to steep pitches and soft sand. Each step forward is accompanied with a half step sliding backward. #greatsanddunesnatuonalpark #orcuttphotography.com #hikingthedunes #revelvantookusthere April 13, 2021
Sled Dogs #mainetheway #mainelife #downeastmagazine #mainemuseumofphotographicarts #mainephotography # January 8, 2019
Porch chairs at Bald Mountain Camps on Mooselookmeguntic Lake in the Rangeley Lakes chain, Maine. Photo by Cynthia Orcutt #mooselookmegunticlake #rangeleylakes #orcuttphotography #mainethewat #mainephotography #downeastmagazine #redporchchairs June 13, 2019
Cindy Orcutt preparing to climb the dunes at Sand Dune National Park in southern Colorado. Hiking there is fairly strenuous due to steep pitches and soft sand. Each step forward is accompanied with a half step sliding backward. #greatsanddunesnatuonalpark #orcuttphotography.com #hikingthedunes #revelvantookusthere April 13, 2021