Alps view from Soglio, Switzerland. John Orcutt March 9, 2017 Instagram You Might Also Like Great Spring color with willows and other plants in lower drainage areas in the upper Hoback area of western Wyoming. #upperhobackwyoming #springcokirwyoming #colorfulwillows May 12, 2021 Hay rolls and a power line tower in Hathaway, Montana articulate the agricultural landscape in eastern Montana. The man-made objects are symbols of the economy in the Northern Great Plains. #hayrolls #hathawaymontana #northerngreatplains #montanaphotography August 24, 2023 Grain Storage on the road between Tetonia and Ashton, ID. In the book, The Dirt Meridian, Toby Jurioc quotes Frank Gohlke, master of the Texas landscape, writing about his own images of grain elevators. “I was frustrated by the discrepancy between the ordinariness of the facts surrounding the grain elevators and the intensity of my emotional responses to the objects themselves. …. The dignity of grain elevators, the precision, intelligence and grace of their formal language, their majestic presence within the landscape all seem to confirm the faith that, given the right circumstances, we will make visible the best that is within us”. February 2, 2020
Great Spring color with willows and other plants in lower drainage areas in the upper Hoback area of western Wyoming. #upperhobackwyoming #springcokirwyoming #colorfulwillows May 12, 2021
Hay rolls and a power line tower in Hathaway, Montana articulate the agricultural landscape in eastern Montana. The man-made objects are symbols of the economy in the Northern Great Plains. #hayrolls #hathawaymontana #northerngreatplains #montanaphotography August 24, 2023
Grain Storage on the road between Tetonia and Ashton, ID. In the book, The Dirt Meridian, Toby Jurioc quotes Frank Gohlke, master of the Texas landscape, writing about his own images of grain elevators. “I was frustrated by the discrepancy between the ordinariness of the facts surrounding the grain elevators and the intensity of my emotional responses to the objects themselves. …. The dignity of grain elevators, the precision, intelligence and grace of their formal language, their majestic presence within the landscape all seem to confirm the faith that, given the right circumstances, we will make visible the best that is within us”. February 2, 2020