Engine #3, Narrow Gauge Railroad, Portland, Maine John Orcutt May 17, 2016 Instagram You Might Also Like Aerial view of the peak of Sugarloaf Mountain, Maine. We flew The High Peaks area a few weeks ago, piloted by Sawyer Fahy.#mainetheway#mainetourismassociation April 2, 2017 Ice Almost Out several years ago, Flagstaff Lake, Maine #mainetheway #mainephotography #downeastmagazine #flagstafflake #carryingplacetownship #iceout April 9, 2019 Never a dull moment in Kingfield, Maine. Photo is from the second floor of our Schoolhouse. Our neighbor, Harry, is cleaning out his chimney. His wife, Debby, is either providing encouragement or supervising, not sure which. #orcuttphotography.com #kingfieldmaine #chimneysweep #nevera dullmoment May 12, 2021
Aerial view of the peak of Sugarloaf Mountain, Maine. We flew The High Peaks area a few weeks ago, piloted by Sawyer Fahy.#mainetheway#mainetourismassociation April 2, 2017
Ice Almost Out several years ago, Flagstaff Lake, Maine #mainetheway #mainephotography #downeastmagazine #flagstafflake #carryingplacetownship #iceout April 9, 2019
Never a dull moment in Kingfield, Maine. Photo is from the second floor of our Schoolhouse. Our neighbor, Harry, is cleaning out his chimney. His wife, Debby, is either providing encouragement or supervising, not sure which. #orcuttphotography.com #kingfieldmaine #chimneysweep #nevera dullmoment May 12, 2021