December 2015 Image of the Month: Amanoosic River, NH

NHf5_AmanoosicRiver-DSC3058_9_tonemapped-crop-workingOn a gray day on the Amanoosic River in New Hampshire near Littleton, I was attracted to views along the river, framed by tree forms with strong branching patterns. Distant fog, dark skies and muted colors on the riverbank were difficult to capture in a single exposure in the low light. I was able to articulate the gray tones and subtle late season color by making several exposures and combining them as a high dynamic range photograph.

Nikon 3DX, 70-200mm f2.8 zoom lens @ focal length 130mm, ISO 400, f16, 1/13 sec and +/- speeds, UV filter, manual focus, spot metering, tripod-mounted

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John Orcutt and Cam Held publish an E-book!

Following last year’s Photo Friday series of lectures, John and I decided to create E-books to share that information with a wider audience, and to give a reference to those who did join us for the talks.  The first of those E-books, on photographing Intimate Landscapes, is now available on the Apple iBooks Store.  Please check it out!

Intimate Landscapes

Intimate Landscapes by Cameron Held & John Orcutt



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November 2015 Image of the Month: Bog on Long Falls Dam Road

Bog on Long Falls Dam Rd
Bog on Long Falls Dam Rd

On the way to and from Mane Huts & Trails’ Flagstaff Hut, I have passed by this bog frequently. On a bright November day the bright tree trunks and their reflections in the dark water, surrounded by amber-tinted grass layers was a photo opportunity I couldn’t pass up. I stopped to capture this image just before a breeze came up and dissolved the essential reflections. A great scene can become mundane in an instant when a slight change occurs.

Hasselblad H3D, 210mm lens, ISO 50, f13, 1/10 sec, UV filter, manual focus, spot metering, tripod-mounted

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