Cathedral Pines, Eustis, Maine John Orcutt March 29, 2015 Instagram You Might Also Like Day Four, we pulled in to Windmill Acres, located in Ndola, Iowa close to the Nebraska line. The Harvest Host proprietor, Mike Gibbs greeted us with a blazing fire pit, snack tray and hot mulled wine. Quite a treat! #harvesthosts #4x4sprintervan #vanlife #windmill acres #orcuttphotography #lifeontheroad #gnarvan December 16, 2020 Snow Mounds, Rapid Stream, Kingfield, Maine January 20, 2018 The Grand Teton from Upper Teton Valley on the Idaho side. The low cloud separating the mountain from the foreground creates an ethereal quality to the scene on this crystal clear early afternoon. Who says it should only be early morning and late afternoon light? #grandteton #tetonvalleyidaho #bestofthegemstate #orcuttphotography #iphonebycindyorcutt #bestofthewest #driggsidaho November 13, 2022
Day Four, we pulled in to Windmill Acres, located in Ndola, Iowa close to the Nebraska line. The Harvest Host proprietor, Mike Gibbs greeted us with a blazing fire pit, snack tray and hot mulled wine. Quite a treat! #harvesthosts #4x4sprintervan #vanlife #windmill acres #orcuttphotography #lifeontheroad #gnarvan December 16, 2020
The Grand Teton from Upper Teton Valley on the Idaho side. The low cloud separating the mountain from the foreground creates an ethereal quality to the scene on this crystal clear early afternoon. Who says it should only be early morning and late afternoon light? #grandteton #tetonvalleyidaho #bestofthegemstate #orcuttphotography #iphonebycindyorcutt #bestofthewest #driggsidaho November 13, 2022